Scouting is an adventure of a lifetime, family fun, and preparing for your future.

Discovery is at the heart of Scouting. Whether it's a campout, derby car race, or a hike on the trail, we believe every adventure helps us uncover a little more about ourselves. We build the foundations for humility and compassion - strengthening character through actions - to prepare youth for a lifetime of leadership.

Here, within our unit, Leadership is a vital part of the Scouting program. Youth in positions of leadership run the troop. They handle the many tasks necessary for troop and patrol meetings and activities to run smoothly. By accepting the responsibilities of troop leadership, Scouts are preparing themselves to be leaders throughout their lives​.

Scouting teaches youth to confront any challenge with whole hearts and clear minds - to live their lives without regret, never back down, and do their best.


While a Scout should do their best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. While you’re giving service, you’re learning to work together with others to do something that’s good for your community.

The Scouting program has specific objectives, commonly referred to as the “Aims of Scouting.”

Character Development

Leadership Development

Citizenship Training

                         Personal Fitness

Leadership development is also one of Scoutings eight methods contributing to both good character and good citizenship.

Our chartered organization is the American Legion Post 470.  Our Troops not only raise and lower the flags for the City of Fishers on significant days, but we host flag retirement ceremonies to properly retire the flags.